It is hard to do something that no one else does.
Profound thought of the day.
But it is true. It is hard to eat correctly when so many others are eating whatever they please and destroying their bodies. It is hard to exercise when it seems so few others do. It is hard to do right, when everyone around you isn't.
So how do I keep motivated to continue with this lifestyle I have chosen?
I have to fix my sights on why I am living like this, when I could much more easily live like everyone else, and lead a good, comfortable life, instead of prodding myself forward in these paths.
There are other paths I could be on and still be a good person. I don't have to take this to the extreme. But I do. And when it gets hard, I have to remind myself of my reasons. So what are my reasons? I want to be able to brag about it? I hope to be viewed as a wonderful person because of it? I hope to get points because of it?
No, here are my reasons, pure and simple.
One, is that I want to live a healthier life. Eating well and exercising well, and therefore feeling a lot better physically.
Two, is that I want to have the strength and knowledge to protect myself and others. I can't have that if I do not eat or train well.
Three, most importantly, I want to glorify my Maker. I want to behave in a way that makes Him glad. Working badly at my job will not bring Him glory. Turning a blind eye on those in need will not bring Him glory. So I train my mind as well as my body.
There are my reasons, and here I stand.
Until next time.
In the shadow of the Greatest Shinobi