Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day

Well, I will be honest with you.  I have sat here for a good ten minutes attempting to decide what to write about, and nothing is springing to mind.

That said, I still feel the need to update this blog.

And, it occurs to me that since this is Memorial Day, it would be a good idea to write something along those lines.

It is sad, really.  This day is here for us to remember those who have fallen in battle, and yet we go through it happily as a pleasant day off work.  Meanwhile, there are those who have lost family and friends due to war.
And we don't even acknowledge them on their day of remembrance.

Now, I'm not saying we should mope through Memorial Day, refusing to do anything fun and instead dwelling on the fallen through the day and likely depressing ourselves, but we do owe them some respect.  They gave their lives so we could live life how we know it, after all.  Where would we be without brave men willing to die for their country, and the people in that country?  We would no longer be America, that much is certain.

So, we should recognize and honor our fallen soldiers today, yes.  But I would submit to you that we not only remember them today, but every day.  We have soldiers fighting for freedom at this very time!  Should we ignore them, forget about them, or, even worse, dishonor them openly?

I saw a banner not long ago that read, "If you won't stand behind our troops, feel free to stand in front of them."

I agree with this statement.  We have no business speaking badly of those who do things we ourselves are not brave enough, or capable enough, to do.

No, instead we should do what we can to support them.  Not only on Memorial Day, but at any time possible.  Even if it is a simple "Thank you", you are showing your appreciation, and that can go a long way.

This said, I now extend my thanks to the American soldiers.

Thank you for what you have done.  For what you are doing.  I am grateful for your willingness to protect those who cannot fight, and you are in my prayers.  May you be blessed.

In the shadow of the Greatest Shinobi,

Saturday, May 21, 2011


At the moment, I am waiting.  Specifically, I am waiting for someone to arrive so we may go somewhere.
It occurs to me that people do not like to wait.  For anything.  I know I am not enjoying this stretch of waiting, and was getting somewhat irritated in fact.  And I know others do not like to wait for things either.

Tonight, May twenty-first, at six o'clock, is supposedly the end of the world.
Do I believe this?
It is clearly stated that no man knows when the end will be, therefore I have no doubt that the world will see another day.
But others are convinced this is our last day.  People like being in charge, knowing when things are going to happen and how.  Myself included.  I do not like wondering when this person I am waiting for is going to get here.  I want to know exactly when they will arrive, and I want them to arrive on time.
I don't believe I am the only one who feels this way about things like this.  In fact, I know I'm not.

Are we supposed to be this way?  Always in a state of impatience, in a state of determination to know exactly when things will happen?
It may be how we naturally are in our fallen human nature, but it is not how we are to be.  Expectant, yes, but not impatient or trying to control events that are not ours to control.
Expectant of when the Greatest Shinobi will return, or calls us home, but not impatient.  For while we live on earth, we bear fruit, we have missions to complete.

How do you believe you would feel if you created something, and it refused to, or hated, living out its full potential?  If you made a car, but instead of working, and driving people to their destinations, it broke down and wouldn't move.  True, we are not inanimate objects, but there is a similarity there.  We are each made to do specific things.  Just as the army has different units, communication, medics, marines, air force, etc, we each have different tasks.  If a medic decides he is tired of helping people, and decides to pine for home instead of do his job, how lame would that be?  Not only is he effecting himself, blocking himself from the experiences he could have that would help him learn and grow, he is effecting those around him.

People need us.  They need us to rejoice at having more time to fulfill our missions.
We need to go about our lives with this mindset.  Determined to live our life to the fullest, growing, thriving, and helping others to do the same.

In the shadow of the Greatest Shinobi

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Well, you may have noticed the change in template design.  It was intentional, do not fear.  No one hacked into my account and changed it.  Though I liked the other design better, this is easier on the eyes, and that, of course, takes priority.
I hope you like it, if not, I'm not sure what to say.  My apologies, and do you have any suggestions?

At any rate, I thought it would be interesting to speak on the subject of change.
Many of us dislike it, go out of our way to avoid it.  I must admit, change is not something I always enjoy either.  But one must ask themselves, why do we fear change so much?
Is it because we can do nothing to stop it?  Because we're afraid it will get out of control?  Because it is inconvenient?  I know one of the reasons I dislike it is simply because I do not like to go through that period of adjustment.  Mostly because is it inconvenient, but also because sometimes it causes me to feel vulnerable.
When I look at this reason, and other peoples' reasons, the common ground I can see between them is selfishness:
"I don't want this to happen because I will be uncomfortable."

Is that how we are supposed to be?  Thinking only of how we may best serve ourselves?  True, we should not let people take advantage and walk all over us, but persevering a little discomfort for the long-term benefit of more people than yourself is not something to shy from.  Often, it will also benefit us too, if we would let it.  Or maybe it will not, but it is something that can be adjusted to easily if we didn't decide to be stubborn about it.
This has been more addressing changes that we have a say in.  What about those those which we do not?  Why groan and complain over things?  It will not help matters, and will only succeed in making ourselves, and those around us, miserable.

I say we need to rethink our stubbornness to change.  Change will come, whether we wish it or not, no matter how hard we work to keep things the same, whether we complain about it or not.  Why not embrace it?
I am talking of things which have no effect on our morals.  Homosexuality, abortion, and several other things are changes that should never be embraced.  I will not begin a rant on those things now, seeing as it would not fit with the subject of this post, and would also extend this post far beyond what I wish.

I challenge you to think:
Do you resist change?  Why?  Is it a good reason?  Or does it come from selfishness?

In the shadow of the Greatest Shinobi

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Good Days and Followers

I get on to check the status of my blog, look over at the sidebar, and lo and behold, I have a Follower. That is heartening, seeing as I had little idea as to if anyone was getting enjoyment or benefit from this blog aside from me. So, I bid my Follower welcome.

And now onto the main topic of this blog post.  I decided it would be interesting to delve into the topic of wishing people a good day, bidding them to be blessed when they sneeze, etc.

I have the privilege of working in a place where I come into contact with many people.  I have made it a point to wish as many as possible a good day.  But not long ago, I asked myself, "Why?" 

Typically, I am not a terribly cynical thinker.  I don't tend to question a lot of things, especially fairly unimportant things.  So it surprised me a bit that I would wonder this.
Really, why do people bid others to have a good day?  It isn't because saying, "Have a nice day", will magically cause someone to have a pleasant day.  Nor were they previously planning on having a bad day, then at someone's telling them to have a good one, change their minds and decide to have a good day.
It doesn't seem to make a difference, so why would one do so?

It is similar with saying "Bless you", after someone sneezes.  Some have said it to protect the persons' soul, at another time, people thought the heart stopped during a sneeze, and so blessing them was both to bless them to continue to live, and congratulate them on having their heart return to beating.
Now, people say "Bless you" without thinking twice about it.  It's like saying "Hello".  It is done automatically.
And does it have power to protect a persons' soul? No.  Does a persons' heart stop during a sneeze?  No.  So why do we say it?

Well, I came to this conclusion.
While these things in themselves may not have an effect you can see, it does not mean they have no effect at all.  Your words may not make a difference, but the thought that someone would take the time to bid you a good day, or bless you, and extend a caring spirit, could brighten someone's day.  It makes me feel more cheerful when someone tells me to have a good day, instead of not saying anything at all, or even just saying, "Bye".

Perhaps it is just me, but perhaps it isn't.  What do you think?  Do you appreciate it when someone tells you to have a good day?
Either way, I believe extending a caring is important for everyone.

Have a pleasant day!

In the shadow of the Greatest Shinobi