Monday, April 18, 2011

What's This About?

Now, if you've been following this blog, you may be wondering why I'm posting a new "About" post.  The simple reason is this:
Over this period I have already been active, I have done more research and study on this matter, and feel the need to update some things.  So instead of just making the changes in the former posts, which I don't think I would have been able to do anyways, I am making this new post.  Hopefully it will not be too repetitive or boring to those who read my previous "Principles" and "About" posts.
But, it is very likely you have not seen those posts already.  I don't know if I even have anyone who reads this blog on a regular basis.  So I am not worrying over this new post.

First off, I am not posting a "Code" at this point.  I believe my own personal code will take time to properly develop.
But, I can give you, the reader of this blog, an idea of where I am going with this.
You may have already guessed, by the title of this blog, that I am striving to be a ninja, or shinobi as I prefer to call myself, of the modern day.  Not one of the rogues, who pillaged, plundered, and did things for selfish causes, but one of the true shinobi, who were prepared to protect themselves and others, and did not call attention to themselves publicly.
Now, the fact that shinobi did not call attention to themselves has given me some pause in how I would go about putting shinobi principles to work in a modern culture.  I looked at those attempting to be modern day knights and modern day samurai, and just couldn't figure out how I could pull it off.  But then, I realized I was going about it the wrong way.
For knight and samurai, they have some inward things, but a lot of the things that set them apart are outward.  Knights are chivalrous, which is partly an inside thing, but people will notice if you are chivalrous.  For samurai, they follow the Bushido, which again is partly inside, but people will notice.  For shinobi, what sets them apart is not being noticed.  They are proficient in the martial arts and in weaponry, but people won't notice that unless you get into a fight.  For many of them, being spiritual is important, which people won't notice unless you strut around being "spiritual", which shinobi didn't do.  There are other points to them also- Shrewdness, preparedness, watchfulness... All of which would only be noticed by the most observant, or if the shinobi was being overdramatic and noticeable.  Being a shinobi is about a lifestyle, and inward changes.

So this is what this blog is about.  Changes, spiritually,mentally, and physically, for a lifestyle that will be beneficial both for myself and for others.
Eventually I may post a list of principles that I follow, but for now, I will simply use this as a log of my findings, struggles, and otherwise.

In the shadow of the Greatest Shinobi

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