Thursday, May 5, 2011

Good Days and Followers

I get on to check the status of my blog, look over at the sidebar, and lo and behold, I have a Follower. That is heartening, seeing as I had little idea as to if anyone was getting enjoyment or benefit from this blog aside from me. So, I bid my Follower welcome.

And now onto the main topic of this blog post.  I decided it would be interesting to delve into the topic of wishing people a good day, bidding them to be blessed when they sneeze, etc.

I have the privilege of working in a place where I come into contact with many people.  I have made it a point to wish as many as possible a good day.  But not long ago, I asked myself, "Why?" 

Typically, I am not a terribly cynical thinker.  I don't tend to question a lot of things, especially fairly unimportant things.  So it surprised me a bit that I would wonder this.
Really, why do people bid others to have a good day?  It isn't because saying, "Have a nice day", will magically cause someone to have a pleasant day.  Nor were they previously planning on having a bad day, then at someone's telling them to have a good one, change their minds and decide to have a good day.
It doesn't seem to make a difference, so why would one do so?

It is similar with saying "Bless you", after someone sneezes.  Some have said it to protect the persons' soul, at another time, people thought the heart stopped during a sneeze, and so blessing them was both to bless them to continue to live, and congratulate them on having their heart return to beating.
Now, people say "Bless you" without thinking twice about it.  It's like saying "Hello".  It is done automatically.
And does it have power to protect a persons' soul? No.  Does a persons' heart stop during a sneeze?  No.  So why do we say it?

Well, I came to this conclusion.
While these things in themselves may not have an effect you can see, it does not mean they have no effect at all.  Your words may not make a difference, but the thought that someone would take the time to bid you a good day, or bless you, and extend a caring spirit, could brighten someone's day.  It makes me feel more cheerful when someone tells me to have a good day, instead of not saying anything at all, or even just saying, "Bye".

Perhaps it is just me, but perhaps it isn't.  What do you think?  Do you appreciate it when someone tells you to have a good day?
Either way, I believe extending a caring is important for everyone.

Have a pleasant day!

In the shadow of the Greatest Shinobi

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