Wednesday, January 19, 2011

In Which I Relate The Wonders of Coffee

Yes, I know.  It probably seems obvious that shinobi and coffee go hand in hand.  Night warriors and all, and yes, I'm completely a night person.  Sadly enough though, I have a job that requires my getting up at an unearthly time in the morning.  Now to me, anything before eight is shudderable.
Before seven?
That, to me, is unthinkable.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm quite capable of getting up at five, and even four, to catch a plane or get to a marathon, for those don't require getting up that early consistently.  And are, much of the time, voluntary.
Jobs are another matter completely.
But now I'm just complaining.

Since I go to work so early, I, in turn, get out earlier.  And this morning my wonderful vehicle (she really is quite a lovely car) needed gas.  Now I don't know about you, but when it is still quite early enough in the morning for me to wish for my bed, and also much below freezing, the last thing I especially want to do is stand outside in the wind and wait for my car to drink its fill.  (and have you noticed the price of gas lately??)
But it was necessary, so I went and obeyed the command of my car.
While I was standing, the unpleasant smell and taste of petrol permeating my nose, and my extremities going slowly numb, someone walks by with a steaming cup of coffee.

First, I must state that I once had a relative that worked at this gas station, so I had been entitled to discounted coffee here.  And I knew it to be good.
Second, I could just hear the delicious brew calling my name.
What's a sleep deprived, cold shinobi to do in such circumstances?
Well, I know what I did, and I'm sure you can guess.  I was soon driving home with my own steaming cup of coffee warming me up and slowly spreading life and energy to my weary body.
By the time I was home, I felt much more chipper and warm.  So I must say that coffee is a great medicine for the cold and tired.  Black coffee with hardly any sugar or the coffee flavored milk people call lattes, it's all good.  So long as it isn't drunk too close to bedtime...

Now I believe I must say something in defense of the cold, which I didn't give a very good word here.
The cold is quite pleasant, when it isn't early in the morning.  I would much rather it be zero degrees than one hundred.  Add snow to the mix and it makes things even better- so long as it is good sticky snow that you can ball up and hurl at people, or make statues out of.

So there you have a rambling post, dripping with coffee and snowflakes.  What are your opinions on these matters?

In the shadow of the Greatest Shinobi


  1. My opinion is that coffee is disgusting. But to each his own, I suppose...I know a lot of people need it to wake up, and a lot of other people simply like the flavor. I can understand the former, but I don't know if I could ever learn to like the taste of that stuff. :P I much prefer hot chocolate. I suppose I am very much still a kid in that department :)

  2. Oh, and Hi! I don't know why I chose this particular post to say that...but anyway...Hi! :)

  3. Hello to you also! Good to "see" you.

    Hot chocolate is also very nice, yes. Especially topped with marshmallows on a snowy day.

